Friday, 24 October 2008

First Animatic- Practise Task

The first task i was set consisted of:

1. Creating a storyboard
2.Uploading the images onto the apple mac's
3.Creating an animatic with use of sound and effects (eg. panning)

Firstly, i found the task fairly difficult but once i learnt how to use the Apple Mac's media software effectively it was a straightforward task. My particular role within the task was creating the storyboard (including timings and effects). Afterwards, i contributed towards uploading the images and creating the animatic- however, i could have helped more.

In my opinion, the storyboard could be improved with:

1. Better drawings
2.More time spent as a group working on it

But, altogether i think it was a good first try at making an animatic.

(the animatic will be uploaded soon, alongside more critisisms)